Widefield Education ASSOCIATION
The Real Widefield Way
Real-Time Updates
Hundreds of members across Widefield fight for our students and staff
The fight for public education began with educators coming together to do what’s right for students and staff. Good public schools are not a birthright; they were created and continue to exist because people struggle to do what’s right. The struggle continues today. WEA fights for good working conditions because the working conditions of our staff are the learning conditions of our students. And Widefield students deserve the best.
WEA works to organize our staff members into a bargaining unit. We want to guide our district toward consistent decision-making that focuses on the following principles:
- Adequate compensation for educators
- Sustainable working conditions that support lifelong educator engagement
- Accessible and rigorous professional development
- Curriculum autonomy with teacher input that meets the needs of diverse student populations

How can we assist
The Association has full time staff in the Pikes Peak region. We also have a Colorado legal department and many other state level resources at the disposal of members.